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BioSupply offers a highly sensitive and specific insulin ELISA kit. This assay provides a dynamic range of 0.25-200µIU/ml and it can reach minimum sensitivity detection limits of 0.25µIU/ml. Insulin has a total molecular weight of 5800Da and it is made up of two peptides chains that are approximately 51 amino acids long. It is vital in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, other processes where insulin is also important include: gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, decreased proteinolysis, fatty acid synthesis, increased protein synthesis and DNA replication, controlling glucose intake in muscles and adipose tissues. For more information on this product, please visit our website: http://www.elisakits.co.uk/insulin-elisa-kit/
Il Counseling non è una Psicoterapia: non si va da un counselor per "curarsi", ma per imparare nuovi modi di relazionarsi con gli ostacoli che si incontrano. Aiutiamo le persone a:
formulare e raggiungere obiettivi
aumentare l'autostima e la fiducia in se stessi
gestire stress ed emozioni
superare conflitti interiori e prendere decisioni
gestire i conflitti interpersonali
aumentare il benessere personale
ritrovare un senso nella vita e nel lavoro
superare momenti difficili
migliorare le relazioni interpersonali
proseguire il percorso di evoluzione e crescita nella propria vita personale o professionale
La nostra azienda produce una vasta gamma di guarnizioni, nastri e sigilli
di garanzia per capsule, per l'industria delle bevande, alimentare, farmaceutica,
cosmetica e chimica. Guarnizioni in Polespan, Guarnizioni biadesive, Polespan e
This is a series of organic compound fertilizers used as base fertilizer for a range of different crops. In addition to providing primary nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, they contain a high percentage of organic material and some very important trace elements such as Fe, Mn, B, Mo, Zn and Cu.
Organic matter:60%
Dry matter:88%
Total nitrogen (N):2,0%
Of which organic (N):1,7%
Phosphorus (P2O5):4,0%
Magnesium (MgO):1,0%
Calcium (CaO):7,0%
Sulphate (SO4):1,0%
Ratio C/N:> 10
BioSupply offers a highly sensitive and specific ferritin ELISA kit. This assay provides a dynamic range of 5-1,000ng/ml and it can reach minimum sensitivity detection limits of 0.53ng/ml. Ferritin consists of light and heavy subunits surrounded in a crystalline core containing iron and phosphate oxide within an apoferritin shell. The highest concentrations of ferritin can be found in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Routine analysis of ferritin levels are recommended in order to detect early signs of iron deficiencies especially in healthy people. Since there is a direct correlation between the levels of ferritin measured and the total amount of iron which is stored in the body. This is due to the fact that within the body, iron is predominately stored complexed to either ferritin or hemosiderin. For more information on this product, please visit our website: http://www.elisakits.co.uk/ferritin-elisa-kit/
MATSUO BASHO (1644-1694) gilt als Mitbegründer der japanischen Versform Haiku. Seine Gedichte spiegeln die Einfachheit seiner meditativen Lebensweise wider. Er versah viele seiner Verse mit einer mystischen Qualität und versuchte, die großen, weltbewegenden Themen durch einfache Naturbilder auszudrücken. Neujahrstag ist eine Reflexion über das Alleinsein mit der Natur und den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten.
Autor: Matsuo Basho
Deutsche Fassung: A. Gerhard
Graphisches Design und Layout: Tony Vera
Fünf illustrierte Haikus
Format:13x10 cm
Hardcover, farbig bedruckt, 30 Seiten
Zweite Auflage: 2017
Preis: 10,50 €
ISBN: 978-3-943117-90-5
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